American Survival Newsletter:
Combining the World of Finance, Health & Politics
American Gold
A weekly newsletter brought to you by Discount Gold & Silver 800-375-4188
Edited by Alfred Adask
Sunday, July 26th, A.D. 2012 |
“Made in America” coins are a great way to protect your wealth!
This very popular special is available once again for purchase. These coins are all minted in the USA—no foreign coins in this special.
This week’s special includes: |
90% Silver Quarters or Dimes pre-1965
$25 Face Value (approx. 17oz of silver)
90% silver coins are one of the most cost effective methods to purchase silver. Known as “junk silver,” these 90% silver coins are often sold in bags and rolls, but are far from being “junk” as the name may imply.
With little to no collector value, 90% silver coins are worth the market price of the silver they contain. But even if the market price of silver dropped to zero, the coins will always be worth at least their face value.
4 – AU $5 Liberty Gold Coins dated prior to 1907.
This is my favorite U.S. “fractional” coin. Like many other U.S. coins, the Liberty “Half Eagle” depicts the crowned image of Liberty on the obverse and, on the reverse, a majestic bald eagle with a shield over its breast, perched on an olive branch and holding three arrows.
The $5 Liberty was struck in two types--the ultra-scarce "No Motto," minted from 1839 until 1865 and the "With Motto" (IN GOD WE TRUST) type, struck from 1866 until 1908. During the Civil War, widespread gold hoarding led the U.S. government to significantly reduce the mintages of these coins, making issues from that era particularly rare. The $5 Liberty in this special are dated from the late 1870s through 1907.
Total package--$25 face value “junk silver” plus 4 AU $5 Liberty gold coins
Cost . . . $2600
Call Discount Gold and Silver at 1 800 375 4188
Ask for Melody |
Business Cycles Forever . . . ?
by Alfred Adask
In the 1930s, the US was in the midst of its Great Depression. The Soviet Union
cheered. Communists viewed our Depression as evidence that the capitalist system was dying and communism would soon rule the world.
Russian economist Nikolai Kondratiev (A.D. 1892 –1938) disagreed. He advanced the theory that Western economies have long-term, 40-to-60-year business cycles. These business cycles look like sine waves. In broad strokes, these waves generally include about 25 “good” years when the economy is expanding a little or a lot (economic “boom”), followed by 25 “bad” years when the economy is contracting a little (recession) or a lot (depression).
According to Kondratiev, the Great Depression was merely a predictable—and temporary—low in the US economy’s business cycle. As such, the Great Depression did not signal the end of capitalism nor the triumph of communism. The Soviet government rewarded Mr. Kondratiev for his politically-incorrect research by executing him. Since then, the former Soviet Union has joined Mr. Kondratiev in death, but Kondratiev’s view of business cycles has survived.
• English economist John Maynard Keynes was a contemporary of Mr. Kondratiev. Unlike Kondratiev (who merely observed and measured business cycles), Keynes determined to do something about them.
Keynes sought to minimize both the extreme highs and lows in the business cycle and cause the business cycle’s “sine wave” to resemble something more like a steadily rising straight line. If Keynes could succeed, we’d have a constantly growing economy, constant prosperity and no significant recessions or depressions.
According to Kenyes, taxes should be raised and revenues saved during the cycle peaks in order to moderate and reduce the cycle highs. When the business cycle entered the inevitable downturn, taxes would lowered and the money saved during the previous “high” would then be spent to stimulate the economy and prevent a serious recession or even depression.
As a theory, Keynesian economics made a lot of sense. As a practical reality, Keynesian economics left something to be desired.
• For example, Keynesian theory originated when the world still ran on gold- or silver-based monetary systems. Keynesian theory was later adapted to accomodate fiat currencies, but fiat currencies complicated or even contradicted fundamental Keynesian strategies.
For example, according to Wikipedia,
“Keynes argued that the solution to the Great Depression was to stimulate the economy through some combination of two approaches:“1: A reduction in interest rates, and
“2: government investment in infrastructure.”
Keynes’ first approach to solving depressions (reducing interest rates) would work well while the money was gold or silver and there were significant physical obstacles (oceans, for example) or political realities (wars or overtly criminal governments) to prevent physical money from moving from one nation to another. Unable to easily move their money, domestic lenders were trapped whenever government cut interest rates. Lenders therefore had two choices: either accept low interest rates and earn a small return on their principal, or sit on their money and earn nothing. They’d usually take the small return.
Insofar as the lenders’ physical money was “trapped” within a nation, that nation’s government could stimulate the economy by lowering interest rates, force lenders to accept those low rates, and thereby induce consumers to borrow and spend at low-low, “fire sale” interest rates.
But, today, we have a fiat currency that’s largely digital and can travel around the world at the speed of light. Result? Our fiat currency is no longer “trapped” within our national economy. Therefore, lowering interest rates won’t necessarily stimulate borrowing, but may instead stimulate capital flight to foreign countries that pay higher rates of interest.
Thus, lowering interest rates (recommended by Keynes to cope with recessions) will, in today’s world of fiat currency, tend to reduce the domestic money supply and thereby slow—rather than stimulate—the national economy.
• Keynes’ second approach to recessions (investing in infrastructure) was intended to injects income into the economy, causing more spending and thereby stimulating more production and investment. The initial stimulation was expected to start a cascade of spending, whose total increase in economic activity was expected to be a multiple of government’s original investment. I.e., the government might invest $1 billion and the economy might grow by $5 billion or even $20 billion.
That’s a nice theory. It might even be true. But it all starts with "government investments".
So, where does the government get the money to "invest"?
In Keynes' time, the only money the government could "invest" during a recession would be: 1) revenue previously saved from taxing the people during the “good years”;
2) revenue from current taxes; or,
3) whatever the government could borrow.
Today—in our brave new world of fiat currency and perpetual deficit financing—government has no “savings” to invest. Therefore, "government's investments" in the infrastructure can only be from currency that is: 1) borrowed; 2) taxed (“austerity”); or 3) created by the central bank.
In an economic contraction, if government has suppressed interest rates and capital has tended to flee or sit on the sidelines until interest rates rose, government’s ability to borrow from the private sector to “invest in the infrastructure” would be limited.
Raising taxes during a recession (“austerity”) would be stupid and self-destructive. You can’t stimulate the economy by imposing higher taxes on a people already going into poverty.
Therefore, the only reliable source of fiat currency to “invest” in the infrastructure would be from the Federal Reserve’s creation of new fiat currency. This is exactly what we’ve seen in the last few years as the US gov-co was unable to sell all of its bonds to private investors and has become increasingly dependent on the Federal Reserve to “buy” US treasuries with freshly-created fiat currency.
• There are other current contradictions to Keynesian theory. For example, according to the UK Telegraph,
“The eurozone's appetite for self-harm knows no bounds. With one in four Spanish workers unemployed, output contracting and Asturian miners marching through the capital, the Spanish prime minister, Mariano Rajoy, has determined to push through a further €65bn of austerity measures.”Spanish (and Greek) “austerity” measures make depressions worse. More, “austerity” violates Keynesian theory by raising taxes and lowering governmental services during a recession in the business cycle. Such “austerity” is guaranteed by both Keynes and common sense to push Spain and Greece deeper into an economic depression.
This guarantee implies that politicians advocating “austerity” are either: 1) lying if they claim to be Keynesians;
2) idiots;
3) villains trying to cause a depression in order to stampede Europeans into submitting to a more powerful EU central government; or 4) simply, desperate.
More than one of those answers may be true, but I’d bet on desperation. Given that Spain and Greece don’t have their own central banks to create more currency, and theydon’t have any savings, they therefore have only three options left to generate enough currency to “stimulate” their economies: 1) borrow; 2) “bail-outs” (charity) from foreign banks; or 3) raise taxes (austerity). Given that their credit ratings are so low, they can’t borrow. Therefore, all that remains are “bail-outs” (charity) and raising taxes (austerity). The “bail-outs” offered to Greece and Spain have been conditioned on both nations imposing higher taxes (austerity). These impositions are stupid and possibly spiteful, but Greece and Spain have agreed to impose austerity in return for foreign charity. To me, that sounds like evidence of desperation.
• Keynes’ general theory (tax and save during the good years; reduce taxes and spend savings during the bad years) makes sense—on a theoretical level.
The problem is that we live in a real, rather than theoretical, world. Our world isn’t ruledby sage mathematicians and economists bent on doing the right thing for the people. Instead, our world is ruled by politicians who: 1) aren’t necessarily too bright; 2) are at least self-serving and may be outright gangsters; and therefore, 3) can’t or won’t do the “right thing”.
In a way, Keynes’ theory is like the Bible. Both books tell us how we should live. And yet, immediate reality and self-interest generally trump Keynes’ and the Bible’s admonitions. Both texts offer great theories that make perfect sense—except when actually applied to most people and politicians whose primary object in life is to “party hearty”.
I.e., Keynes proposed to raise taxes in the good years, but also to save those tax revenues to be spent later in the bad years. No politician ever wants to raise taxes in the good years and spoil the “party”.
If politicians do raise taxes, they want to spend the increased revenue quickly so as to buy the public’s approval. Raising taxes now and spending those revenues later is a formula for being voted out of office.
Politicians love the idea of deficit spending (spend now; pay later). They hate the idea of raising taxes and also saving the increased revenue (pay now; spend later). Therefore, the same politicians who cheered Keynes’ justification for deficit spending, booed Keynes’ idea of tax now, spend later.
Where Keynesian theory makes a certain amount of mathematical sense, it’s almost irrational in terms of political sense.
• From a political perspective, incumbent politicians want to help their most important supporters. And who supports politicians more than people who have lots of currency? And who has donated more currency to Congress than Wall Street?
Thus, it makes perfect political sense that Congress order the “helicopters” assigned to distribute fiat currency into the recession to dump all their cash over the congressmen’s BFF: Wall Street. After all, under the “trickle down” theory, the Wall Street financiers and major banks that received emergency cash from gov-co would soon be lending to the great unwashed, the great unwashed would quickly and irrationally spend every dime they could borrow, and the economy would be quickly “stimulated” back into economic growth.
The whole process is as simple as ringing a bell to “stimulate” Pavlov’s dogs to drool. In fact, Keynes theory was foolproof, unless:
1) Wall Street doubted that the economy was recovering and therefore refused to lend to the great unwashed;
2) instead of lending at low interest rates to American consumers, Wall Street preferred to lend that currency to foreign consumers at high interest rates; or
3) the great unwashed were so scared by the “crash,” that they refused to borrow and spend.
To some degree, all three of those adverse possibilities took place after the “crash” of A.D. 2008. However, just because politicians were dumb enough to give the first wave of their fiat currency (Quantitative Easing) to Wall Street back in A.D. 2008 rather than directly to the consumers (who would’ve spent it all like drunken sailors and truly stimulated the economy), doesn’t mean that politicians couldn’t arrange for a second wave of “Quantitative Easing” (QE2) or even a third (QE3).
See, that’s the blessing of fiat currency—you never really run out. You can print as much as you need, any time you need it. Plus, the idiot voters will never ever get wise. If $800 billion isn’t enough to get ‘em to spend, just print another trillion—no! print two trillion! No! Sixteen trillion! That’s the bait that’ll make ‘em bite.
When you can spin fiat currency out of thin air, you can bribe anyone to do anything. All you have to do is add one or more zeros to your bribe. If the idiots won’t jump for $1,000,000, just add a zero and offer ‘em $10,000,000. Or, if need be, add two zeros or even ten zeros to your bait/bribe. What difference does it make? So long as the public reacts to fiat currency like Pavlov’s dogs reacting to the sound of the bell, it’s all just digital ones and zeros on some computer hard drive.
• Like Keynesian economics, fiat currency is also just about foolproof. Unless —the voters realize they’re not being “fed” (paid) every time they hear the “bell” (given fiat currency; a mere promise to pay) and stop drooling every time “Helicopter Ben” Bernanke offers more cash . . . or, voters lose confidence in the fiat currency and slip into hyper-inflation . . . or, voters lose confidence in the economy and refuse to take the bribes (invitations to borrow and spend) offered by the gov-co . . . or, if the voters realize they’re already so deep in debt that they dare not go deeper. If the voters ever start thinking rather than simply reacting to Pavlov’s (or Bernanke’s) “bell,” then, no matter how much fiat currency the gov-co prints, the people won’t take the bait, won’t go deeper into debt, and won’t spend their way out of the business cycle low.
Result? Recession gives way to depression. Instead of enduring the periodic, but comparatively short-lived lows in the business cycle, the politicians’ meddling can cause an economy to slip into a real depression that is persistent, long-term and potentially lethal.
• If Kondratiev was right in predicting a 40 to 60 year business cycle then, given that the Great Depression began about A.D. 1929, it follows that the next American depression should’ve started somewhere between A.D. 1969 and A.D. 1989—but it didn’t. Instead, we’ve not yet clearly seen another depression begin in over 80 years.
Does this mean:
1) Kondritiev’s measure of business cycles is false?
2) Keynesian-style economic theories have tamed the business cycle and thereby eliminated depressions?
3) Modern economic theories merely postponed the depression that “should” (according to Kondratiev) have begun no later than A.D. 1989 and have thereby bought us at least an extra 20 or 30 years of economic expansion and seemingly “good times”? I suspect that the answer is #3. Economists have learned how to postpone—but not eliminate—economic depressions.
If so, we’re left with a couple more questions:
1) Are depressions “good”--or at least necessary—in the sense that forest fires are necessary to clear away the dead trees and branches that accumulate over time?
2) If the business cycle necessitates depressions, does it also necessitate a certain “magnitude” of those depressions? I.e., during the boom years, a predictable volume of “dead wood” normally accumulates that is typically “burned off” during the next scheduled depression. But if the next scheduled depression is postponed for, say, 20 or 30 years, does the quantity of “dead wood” continue grow and thereby guarantee that whenever the next depression finally hits, it may be doubly explosive?
3) Should depressions be allowed rather than resisted and postponed?
In the end, an “economy” is not a perfectly rational machine subject to tinkering and fine-tuning by Keynes or other economists. An economy is more like a collective “mood” that’s predictable in some regards, but not really controllable. An economy is “moody” because it’s an association of individuals who are generally just as self-serving, short-sighted, irrational and prone to hysteria as the politicians they elect. An economy is “moody” because it’s based as much on public confidence and sentiment as productivity. So long as that’s so, the business cycle will continue to reassert itself in the form of painful and long-term depressions. We may be able to postpone the next depression for a few decades, but we can’t avoid it.
Given that we are already at least 20 years overdue for another “Great Depression,” we shouldn’t be surprised to see the next one in the near future.
For the best in pricing and service for gold and silver coins, call Melody at 1-800-375-4188. Be sure to listen to DGSTC live on Short-wave 7.415Mhz M-F 4:00PM ET, and 3.215 MHz M-F 11PM ET. Call 1-800-375-4188 or visit the Web site at www.discountgoldandsilvertrading.net
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The Master Controller of the Body
by Dr. Stefanie Gross-Rodsater D.C.
Have you ever though about what runs your body? Of course, it’s your central nervous system. Your brain and spinal cord control the function of every cell, tissue and organ in your body. It’s your “Master Controller.” Think about it: what runs your lungs, kidneys, liver and every other organ? They don’t have a little brain inside of them. It’s your Master Controller. But how does that happen? How does the master controller talk to your organs?
The vast spinal neurologic network connects your body to your mind. The part of the nervous system that connects your master controller to your organs is called the Autonomic Nervous System. Autonomic just means “automatic.” The organs function and perform automatically. You don’t have to think about it for your heart to beat, your lungs to breathe, or your kidneys to filter. It happens automatically, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, perfectly. Your organs are on autopilot and your master controller guides them to perfect performance, unless there is interference to the communication.
What would happen if you interfered with the connection between your master controller and your organs? What if your health autopilot was off course? It would be impossible for the organ to work properly. It might still work, but not the way it was intended to, not perfectly. This is what Wellness Chiropractors call a subluxation. Subluxations interfere with the communication between the master controller and the organs by interfering with the autonomic nervous system. Wellness Chiropractic specializes in identifying subluxations and removing them to restore the communication and health back to your body.
Every man, woman and child should have their nerve system checked for interference. So if you and your children aren’t benefiting from regular chiropractic wellness care , it’s time to get your nervous system checked out! To see if chiropractic may be able to help you call 704-895-7227 today!
This article was written by Dr. Stefanie Gross-Rodsater D.C., a doctor of chiropractic in Huntersville, NC at Adjusting the World Chiropractic. Dr. Stefanie has been certified through the ICPA in Webster’s technique and Pediatric Chiropractic. Check out www.icpa4kids.com and www.adjustingtheworld.com!
"Second Hand" Chemo?
by Ty Bollinger
Have you ever read Alice in Wonderland ? Do you remember the “Mad Hatter?” Did you know that the term “mad as a hatter” originated from a disease peculiar to the hat making industry in the 1800’s? A complicated set of processes was needed to turn the fur into a finished hat. With the cheaper sorts of fur, an early step was to brush a solution of a mercury compound on the fur to roughen the fibers. This caused the hatters to breathe in the fumes of this highly toxic metal, leading to an accumulation of mercury in the hatter’s bodies. This resulted in trembling (known as “hatters’ shakes”), slurred speech, loss of coordination, anxiety, personality changes, depression, and memory loss. This eventually became known as “Mad Hatter Syndrome” and is still used today to describe mercury poisoning.
Fast forward 200 years, and let’s focus on pharmacists rather than hat makers... On July 10, 2010, the Seattle Times carried the story of Sue Crump, a veteran pharmacist of twenty years who spent much of her time dispensing chemotherapy drugs. Sue died last September of pancreatic cancer, and one of her dying wishes was that the truth would be told about how her “on-the-job exposure” to toxic chemotherapy drugs caused her own cancer. But I’m not surprised, are you? After all, one of the side effects of chemotherapy is that it CAUSES cancer! You may have heard it said that folks who live in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones. Well, much like the hatters who went mad from the mercury, maybe when it comes to chemo, “pharmacists who dispense poison shouldn’t be surprised if one day it kills them.”
Dr. Glenn Warner, who died in 2000, was one of the most highly qualified cancer specialists in the USA. He used alternative treatments on his cancer patients with great success. On the treatment of cancer in this country he said: “We have a multi-billion dollar industry that is killing people, right and left, just for financial gain. Their idea of research is to see whether two doses of this poison is better than three doses of that poison.”
Dr. Alan C. Nixon, past president of the American Chemical Society writes, “As a chemist trained to interpret data, it is incomprehensible to me that physicians can ignore the clear evidence that chemotherapy does much, much more harm than good.” And according to Dr. Charles Mathe, French cancer specialist, “If I contracted cancer, I would never go to a standard cancer treatment center. Only cancer victims who live far from such centers have a chance.”
Truth be told, if you have one type of cancer and you allow yourself to be injected with chemotherapy, you will often develop another different type of cancer as a result. The oncologist will likely claim to have cured your initial cancer even while you develop a second or third cancer directly caused by the chemo used to “treat it.” If we look at this from a purely economic perspective and jettison all morals and ethics, this is actually a pretty good business move, isn’t it? I mean, there’s nothing like cancer-causing chemotherapy to boost repeat business, huh?
I have heard it said that chemotherapy KILLS more patients than it saves. I personally know one medical doctor who has performed autopsies on hundreds of cancer patients. He told me that NONE of the deaths were actually due to the cancer, but rather that they all died from the toxicity associate with chemotherapy and/or radiation!!
The toxicity of chemotherapy has long been ignored by virtually everyone in medicine and the federal government. It has always been assumed to be “safe” just because it’s used as a kind of far-fetched “medicine” to treat cancer. This is a lie.
The truth is that chemo is toxic, carcinogenic (causes cancer), destroys erythrocytes (red blood cells), devastates the immune system,and kills vital organs.
How toxic is chemotherapy? Think about it…your hair falls out, your immune system is destroyed, you are constantly nauseated, you get sick and vomit, you are frequently dizzy, and you have severe headaches. Are these signs that maybe this stuff is poison and doesn’t belong in your body? I’m no doctor, but this sure does seem like a very strange way to “heal” someone.
Chemotherapy is a derivative of the mustard gas used in World War I. As the Seattle Times reported, “A just-completed study from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control (10 years in the making and the largest to date) confirms that chemo continues to contaminate the work spaces where it’s used and in some cases is still being found in the urine of those who handle it…”
Yet chemotherapy drugs (like Tamoxifen) are routinely used to “treat” breast cancer even though the World Health Organization declared Tamoxifen to be a “known carcinogen” in 1996. The level of quackery in the cancer industry is amazing. Chemotherapy doesn’t work at anything other than causing cancer! If you have cancer and are considering chemotherapy, please ask yourself this vitally important question: If chemotherapy causes cancer, how can it treat cancer?
I absolutely love this quote from Mike Ad ams: “Treating cancer with chemotherapy is like treating alcoholism with vodka. It’s like treating heart disease with cheese, or like treating diabetes with high-fructose corn syrup. Cancer cannot be cured by the very thing that causes it. Don’t let some cancer doctor talk you into chemotherapy using his fear tactics. They’re good at that. So next time he insists that you take some chemotherapy, ask him to drink some first. If your oncologist isn’t willing to drink chemotherapy in front of you to prove it’s safe, why on earth would you agree to have it injected in your body?”
Until next time, may God bless you all.
~ Ty Bollinger is the host of “The Cancer Truth Chronicles” weekly radio show, health freedom advocate, and author of the best-selling book, “Cancer-Step Outside the Box.” His website is http://www.CancerTruth.net.
by Herbalist Wendy Wilson
This is not your normal standardized test. This test is not for humans but for herbs.
The herbs won’t have to sharpen a number two pencil to take this test. They simply have
to show up and the chemical lab will take care of the rest. What does this mean when
it comes to your health? It means that organic herbs have to prove their substance is safe
while synthetic and GM products do not. Does this seem stupid to you? It does to a whole
lot of consumers and also to a few key people in Congress.
ANALYTICAL TESTING We’ve talked about the new approach the FDA wants to take regarding supplements
and reinterpret what Congress passed with regards to the Dietary Supplement Health
Education Act (DHSA). Dr. Paula Brown of the Dietary Supplement Task Force, Chair of
the American Botanical Council Advisory Committee and Natural Health Products
Program Advisory Committee for Canada (among other professional credentials) tells
us that the testing the FDA is requesting from the supplement industry will not cost a
mere $60.00 per product and may require more sophisticated testing and higher costs.
The dietary industry was upset because there were so many ways to test organic
materials and some labs were not up to the task and the ones that were cost far more
than what the industry was expecting. According to Dr. Brown the simplest way to test
herbs for their identity are macroscopic organoleptic tests. These tests are less
expensive and rely on anatomical characteristics of the plant such as color, smell, taste
and if there has not been a fracture of the plant’s alkaloids. The key to this test
being successful is if the organic matter has retained its qualities and the
person conducting such a test is well trained. Another way to test is via microscopy
and again the organic material must be intact. You might be asking why wouldn’t
the organic material be intact? When organic material is highly processed the
original characteristics of the plant can disappear (in other words they’ve been
chemically altered). If this is the case, the manufacturer of such a product would need to
rely on tricky chemical tests and such testing of the herbs is far more expensive
than $60.00.
There is a section of the FDA’s GMP’s called section 24 Analysis of Impacts, which attempts
to address the cost of testing. The FDA says that the cost manufacturers will incur
will depend on the complexity of their product. The FDA also states, “We do not
have sufficient information on the range of testing costs for botanical ingredients
to determine if the average cost of testing is higher or lower than for other ingredients
(synthetic).” So, the FDA admits they have no idea how expensive the marker compound
ingredient testing is that they want to enforce on the dietary supplement industry. When
the FDA unveiled the New Dietary Ingredient Guidelines (NDI) and stated that the
average cost per test would be $60.00, we now know that they lied. Dr. Brown also
states that the numbers on these tests don’t always equal quality. When labs try to
quantify numerous markers in a plant to try to indicate “strength”, it not only is a
very expensive test but it may not actually have any significance to the quality of the
product. Attempting to measure a mixture of botanical compounds in a product formula
may not tell the scientists anything about the identity, safety or effectiveness of the
product. Dr. Brown also reminds us that we shouldn’t forget why Congress put into
place the DHSEA and the GMP’s, which was based on historical experience of the
organic plants.
Last July 5, 2011 the FDA announced its intensions to change the way we
all look at supplements with their NDI proposed guidelines. Since then Americans as
well as organizations and business within the supplement industry have voiced
their disagreement with the guidelines. In other words, the FDA got an ear full of
criticism. That didn’t stop the FDA from attempting to push ahead with their
unauthorized agenda. So, where’s the good news? The good news is prayer
was answered. God never lost a battle. June 20, 2012 the FDA announced that it intends
to rethink their NDI draft guidelines. Why did the FDA back down? Well, folks like
you were praying and contacting your representatives and your voice was
heard. Congratulations!
One reason the FDA got weak in the knees was because Senator Orrin Hatch
of Utah and Senator Tom Harkin of Iowa had a “come to Jesus” meeting with the
FDA’s Commissioner Margaret Hamburg and Deputy Commissioner Mike Taylor. The
FDA got a lesson in trying to interpret and rewrite Congressional Law. The Senators
voiced their misgivings Congress has with the FDA usurping their authority. A certain level
of political politeness was observed and all parties will strive to keep the lines
of communication open. The FDA agreed to revisit five key points in their guidelines for
the supplement industry:
- the grandfathered status of particular ingredients
- permission to use synthetic as opposed to botanical ingredients in supplements
- the definition of “chemically altered”
- New Dietary Ingredient submissions regarding finished products
- level of data required to demonstrate safety of ingredients
You can bet that in the future the FDA will attempt to see their complete control of
the supplement industry fulfilled. At this writing the FDA has not given any indication
when they will introduce their revised proposal for dietary supplements but you can bet
they will move quickly so we must remain vigilant.
Thanks go out to each and every one who proactively contacted their Congressional
representatives. See what happens when we stick together and ask God’s help.
Please take a few minutes to thank God and contact Senator Hatch and Harkin and
thank them for their due diligence in protecting your supplement market and
health freedoms.
Senator Orin Hatch
104 Hart Senate Office Bldg.
Washington, DC 20510
202-224-5251 |
Senator Tom Harkin
731 Hart Senate Office Bldg.
Washington, DC 20510
202-224-3254 |
For now the herbs in your supplements don’t have to take tests. If they did the costs of
your organic supplements would either skyrocket or disappear. I realize that there are
many battles going on all at once and it is hard to keep up but try to be aware of
what powerful agencies, such as the FDA, are doing to your foods and
supplements. Without your health you have nothing.
We all get an “A” for being proactive and protecting our health freedom. For a limited time
and while supplies last, Apothecary Herbs has arranged for a FREE copy of The Power
Herbs e-book to everyone who orders a Power Herb Kit or Pandemic Kit. Protect your
health with the immune boosting and organ cleansing experts, call Apothecary Herbs
now to order or for a free product catalog 866-229-3663, International 704-885-0277 online http://www.thepowerherbs.com , where your health care options just became endless.
Herbalist Wendy Wilson will interview John Monroe will be Wendy’s guest on July 28th at
7 am EST on GCN and will share natural way to improve vision problems. Wendy will
talk with Dr. Christine Horner about diagnostic studies which can give you cancer on
July 26th 7 pm EST on AVR and Aug 4th on GCN 7 am EST.
Go to http://www.thepowerherbs.com Herb Talk Live & Radio Archive area for network
link access and past shows to download and share. For Android users you can
download a FREE app for Herb Talk Live on GCN. See the download link under
radio archives at top of page at http://www.thepowerherbs.com.
Rebecca Carley, MD
Since the name of my column and my internet radio shows is “What’s Ailing America (and the world)”, as I always say, I will never run out of answers to that question. It is critical to overstand the big picture of what the psychopaths who control the world are doing, because it is all connected in creating the living hell we find ourselves in here on planet earth. Where doctors create disease and destroy life, administering biological weapons nicknamed “vaccines” which are corrupting our very genetic structure and have the potential to cause the extinction of the human race. Where pastors of 501 C3 churches hold vaccine clinics and allow their members to be inoculated with disease instead of warning them about pharmakeia. Where police and the judicial system protect Masonic criminals and persecute the innocent. Where governments have become terrorists against the people they purport to “serve”, and commit treason every day by allowing the destruction of our air, water, food and planet. Where CPS agents kidnap children from good homes for cash, and place them in dangerous foster homes where they are used for child pornography and as guinea pigs for drug trials by big pharma. Where the international banksters, who print money out of thin air and then sell it to governments creating debt that cannot possibly be repaid, are intentionally destroying the economies of the world and causing enslavement of people worldwide. As all of this becomes increasingly obvious to anyone who has the ability to SEE what is self evident, “false flag” events continue to be used to spread fear, as well as clamp down on the people with more and more loss of personal rights and personal privacy.
Investigative researchers like myself immediately get tagged with the term “conspiracy theorist”. This is a very cunning technique of the psychopaths to try to discredit those who are speaking the truth. The definition of “theory” is “a set of statements or principles designed to explain a group of facts or phenomena”. The definition of “conspiracy” is “a plot, especially an illegal one”. Therefore, a “conspiracy theorist” is one who investigates a situation, and then determines that an illegal plot is/was involved in making it happen. Once self evident proof is uncovered to substantiate that conspiracy theory, it becomes a conspiracy FACT. As more and more citizens of the world with a conscience come forward with the results of their research, the global psychopaths cause various “false lag” events to distract those who beLIEve what they hear on mainstream media, while simultaneously giving an excuse for ever more tyrannical laws to suppress freedom, and monitor the awakening public.
The latest event which, in my opinion is an obvious false flag event designed to give an excuse to take away guns from Americans, was the Aurora, Colorado movie theatre massacre. The shooter, James Holmes, was a pHd candidate in NEUROSCIENCE (the study of the brain), and was funded by an NIH grant. (Note that the National Institutes of “Health” is the same taxpayer funded agency which started the “Special Virus Cancer Program”. I have copies of thousands of pages of documents from this program which creates viruses that cause cancer and studies how pesticides, radiation, etc. help them work better at causing cancer). The NIH also funded project number 5R01A1055018-03, giving $452,413 to the Wistar Institute to develop a vaccine for a weaponized rabies virus (of course, first they have to develop the weaponized rabies which can be transmitted via inhalation). I discussed this last week in relation to the increasing frequency of cannibal attacks; the site to read this grant is http://search.engrant.com/project/YccZzd/oral_vaccine_to_inhalation_rabies So, the genius who mysteriously became a serial killer, allegedly purchasing tens of thousands of dollars of weapons, ammo and bombs, was funded by the NIH. What experiments was he working on? He reportedly made a presentation in May of this year entitled “Micro DNA Biomarkers” in a class named “Biological Basis of Psychiatric and Neurological Disorders”. DNA biomarkers are mutations in DNA; the most common causes of DNA mutations are vaccines (which is self evident if you read between the lines in the article about DNA vaccines at http://www.scientificamerican.com/article.cfm?id=how-dna-vaccines-work ). Of course, mutations in brain DNA are not the only way to cause changes in behavior. We have MIT publishing a paper on “Disruption of the right temporoparietal junction with
transcranial magnetic stimulation reduces the role of beliefs in moral judgements”. Yes, the psychopaths are using magnetic pulses (such as those used in MRI’s) to damage the temporal lobes of the brain involved in having a conscience (thus creating a psychopath). You can access this article at http://www.pnas.org/content/early/2010/03/11/0914826107.full.pdf+html?sid=8a0f89d6-c70c-4b44-9d49-70970d823443 . WHY ARE THEY DOING THIS?????????????
An article in the Charlotte Observer entitled “ ‘Batman’ films dramatize well the way we fear now” (which can be accessed at http://www.charlotteobserver.com/2012/07/24/3400831/batman-films-dramatize-well-the.html#storylink=misearch ) is quite remarkable in that it lists the Aurora Movie Massacre as in the same class as others which I have determined by my investigation were also False Flag events, blamed on “terrorists without a cause”; when the actual terrorists were either government created “Manchurian candidates” or individuals who escaped exposure by insertion of scapegoats to distract from those behind the scenes (who are referred to in the Batman movies as “the League of Shadows”, who seek chaos). Of course, the motto of the New World order, means “order out of chaos”. In other words, cause chaos by false flag events which instill fear; manipulate the masses into giving away their freedom to bring back order. This is the ultimate hoodwinking of humanity. These events mentioned in the above Charlotte Observer article include Columbine (where the shooters were on psych drugs after being raped in juvenile detention according to their families), post 9/11 anthrax mailings (which have been admitted to come from a government bioweapons lab), Virginia Tech and the Tucson shootings (whose perpetrators are similar in many ways to the Aurora shooter). Of course the Oklahoma City Bombing and 9/11 have been widely exposed as false flag operations. Don’t believe me…and certainly don’t believe CIA controlled mainstream media. CHECK IT OUT FOR YOURSELVES…as you are paying for these psy ops being done as an excuse to create a global surveillance state where psychopaths create a hell on earth, and people of conscience who stand up and speak the truth can be labeled a “lone wolf”, put on Obama’s “kill list”, and taken out with a drone.
A few more very obvious “coincidences” in relation to this false flag event in Colorado:
- A trailer of a movie entitled “Gangster Squad” shows a gangland massacre in a crowded theatre. This trailer was pulled from being released at the same time of the new Batman movie…coincidence? To those of us in the know, this is the pattern and practice of the psychopaths to forecast their upcoming crimes against humanity. This was most obvious in the case of 9/11, where even an episode of the Simpsons had a “hint” of what was coming.
- Simultaneous to the 24/7 coverage of the massacre and the entry of police into the allegedly booby trapped apartment of the shooter, the movie “Batman Begins” was being played on various channels. This movie is about how a psychotropic drug was put in the water supply of Gotham City, and then hit with microwave weapons to create an aerosolized hallucinogen to INCREASE FEAR; a mind control weapon designed to cause mass fear and violence. INTERESTING STORYLINE; to be continued…